Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Amos Tamam Offers Cab Drivers A Way to Accept Credit Card Payments

Amos Tamam has made it easier to pay for cab rides in New York thanks to the invention allowing riders to pay for cab rides with credit cards. Amos Tamam, who started out as a cab driver, realized that money was being lost by cab drivers not accepting credit cards for payment. He also knew that accepting card payments would prevent cab drivers from having to carry so much loose cash around, making them targets for robbery.

Amos Tamam is currently negotiating with other cities so that cab drivers everywhere can use the wireless device to receive payment. Right now the only states accepting credit card payments for cab rides are New York and Philadelphia.

Renew International: Committed to Service

Over the past 30 years, Renew International has assisted over 150 dioceses in the United States in an effort to encourage a spiritual renewal within the Catholic faith. They assist parishes throughout this process by sharing a full system including step-by-step guides, audio recorded material for pastors, ministry leaders and group participants.

Renew International works to help others enrich their live through faith. This includes exploring the importance of keeping certain Catholic traditions alive. Renew International has several outreach programs using unconventional methods to connect with members of the church. The RenewTheology on Tap reaches out to those in their 20s and 30s through informal meetings at restaurants and bars to discuss everyday issues that matter and how gaining greater spirituality can benefit.

Paul Offit Maintains No Link Exists Between Vaccines and Autism

Paul Offit, MD continues his crusade to educate parents about the importance of childhood vaccines. He maintains that the mercury based preservative found in vaccines had not been conclusively shown to contribute to autism, despite the fact so many believe otherwise. Paul Offit says the real tragedy will be the fact that by avoiding immunizations, many parents will be exposing their children to life-threatening, yet preventable, childhood illnesses.

Paul Offit has stated that the scientific evidence proving that vaccines are in no way associated with autism is conclusive. Several medical studies have consistently supported his position. Offit is currently the Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases and the Director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Linus Gitahi Supports Small and Medium Size Business

Linus Gitahi, chief executive officer of Nation Media Group announced that NMG has joined forces with audit firm KPMG to announce the Kenya Top 100 Club in an effort to connect the nation's fastest growing small and medium size businesses.

The club is the result of a survey conducted by the research firm, Steadman Group, within the past year resulting in having over 100 mid-size companies in Kenya nominated. The platform is based on a similar project known as the Most Respected Award which is mostly based on big businesses instead.

When reflecting on the inspiration for this effort, Linus Gitahi said, "At some point, we reflected and came to the conclusion that small and medium sized businesses are the real engines of the economy. We then looked for a way to bring them together."

Linus Gitahi is right. Studies reveal that small and medium size businesses over 75 percent of Kenya's wealth, and 80 percent of the country's employment.

Frank Hanna's Financial Advice

Tough economic times has so many people scrambling around for help with their finances. Frank Hanna bases a lot of his solid financial advice on lesson from the bible. He maintains that many find themselves in deep financial trouble by becoming too attached to money. He goes on to warn that if we don't start changing our attitude about money, it will start to control our lives.

Frank Hanna teaches that financial success comes from taking care of the resources we have, making sure that those less fortunate are taken care of as well. Money should be used to help nurture positive relationships with others so that we reinforce the idea of community. Frank Hanna has observed a tendency in our community to cling to our money, refusing to share what we have with others. He explains that this is the opposite of what we should be doing. Now is the time to make sacrafices to insure that everyone has exactly what they need.